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Worlds: HeartMate

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Character Interviews

T'Ash from HeartMate
T'Ash interview about his tattoo


Map of Celta

I’m excited. I’ve had a very poor/amateurish map of the two continents of
Celta presently known since before I was published. Finally I found
software that has helped me make it acceptable for general use. The cities
of Druida and Gael City are only dots, but other landscape items can be seen
including the dreaded Great Washington Boghole. The map will be updated as
I become more famililar with the program.


HeartMate Consequence

Since the HeartBond is so deep, when one HeartMate dies, the other follows within the year.

Celtan HeartMate Laws

The HeartMate must accept a HeartGift willingly and without knowing it was a HeartGift before the other can claim them as a HeartMate and HeartBond with them.

The punishment for telling a person they are your HeartMate is that the offending party must always be chaperoned while in the presence of the HeartMate. If no chaperone is available, the guilty party must remain at least three meters away from the HeartMate. The restrictions are for five years or until the wronged one states in front of three heads of FirstFamilies that s/he accepts the HeartMate status and repeats it five times.

The punishment for HeartBonding with a HeartMate without telling them is exile of the offending party from within eighty kilometers of the victim for a period of five years.

Days of the Week

Ioho (YEW)
Quert (APPLE)
Koad (GROVE)

Ash Names

Celtic Ash Names and Associated Names:

Nuin, Nion, Lleu, Gwidion, Abred, Gwynedd, Ceugent, Don/Domnu, Govannon,
Arianrhod, Amaethon, Sorbus, Alnifolia, Aucuparia, Scopulina

T'Ash's father: Nuin
T'Ash's brothers: Nuin & Gwidion

Thanksgiving: For Celta, the day of Thanksgiving is Discovery Day, when the colonists of the three ships found a new home world. This takes place in the summer and is talked about in HeartMate.

More Information on HeartMates:

Yes, women DO experience the reaching out for a HeartMate during their Passages and DO recognize their HeartMate. So far I've gone with men finding their HeartMates first because that's the way the stories came to me. Other stories will have the women more knowledgeable about their HeartMates, and one (Heart Quest) will have Trif Clover literally searching for hers. I believe that this has not happened before because I needed to learn more about Celta and also develop as a writer.

Tinne Holly: I've had many questions about whether Tinne Holly will have his own story. Hopefully, yes. I'm not quite ready to write about him yet, I think he needs to season, as do his circumstances and his lady's, as well as the parental Hollys. Tinne's story is still very amorphous in my mind. If readers care to send ideas, I'm open to them. ;) robin@robindowens.com Without spoiling anything, I will say that Holm and Lark will play a large part in that story and it will take place in Druida..


Check back for pictures.

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Robin D. Owens
P.O. Box 12154, Denver, CO 80212

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